Friday, May 22, 2015

Owl pellet investigators!

On Thursday afternoon we were able to find out just what owls eat, with some owl pellets and identification was brilliant! We found lots of tiny bones and skulls, which told us that they had eaten voles, moles and rodents. We also saw on the webcam that one of the eggs in the Essex owl box has hatched!! See the photographs right at the end!

Dad has just been back to check all is well!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nurse Charlotte

This morning we had an amazing visitor-Nurse Charlotte! We asked her lots of questions about working at night. We found out that Nurse Chatlotte sleeps while we are at school, then works all the while we sleep! She helps around 100 people each night! 

We drew some pictures of Nurse Charlotte and wrote about what she does. We think she's amazing! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The orders come rolling in!

WPIT have had a huge response of phone calls to our half price sale and the orders have come flooding in!

We have sold so many things that we may need to make some more!

Look at all the orders we have! 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Super owl buns!

Phoebe brought in her homework yesterday - some scrumptious, delicious owl buns! 

We decided to go out to the nest to eat them, so we could use all our senses at the same time!

We all agreed the buns were lovely!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Top tips for Backwoods Billy Baxter!

Here are some of our tips for you Billy! We think they will help you capture nocturnal animals on film. We have decided that we need to create some information leaflets and guide books for you too, in case you don't know a lot about British nocturnal animals. You might be looking in the wrong places!

Owl box investigations

Yesterday we thought about the shapes that made good owl boxes. They were cuboids and triangular prisms. We decided on good sizes of a model owl box, then had to think about what we knew in order to create them. 

We found out that it was like the cardboard ones on Friday - very tricky! 

If we didn't get the measurements right, it wouldn't fit together, so we had to make adjustments. 

We did lots of pondering - and some brilliant collaborative working!

We measured accurately by working together.

One end of a triangular prism!

Super shapes!

Today we have been doing lots of thinking about 2d shapes. We learned that a polygon is a 2d shape with straight sides. We know what quadrilaterals are and can work out lots of different shapes by counting their sides and vertices (corners).

When we saw some shapes on the board, we had to create them using geoboard on the iPads to show what we thought they were.

We had different ideas. Isla was brilliant at reasoning about what the shapes could be and she was able to explain her ideas clearly to the rest of the class. Harvey could say why he had different ideas too. We had to change our thinking when we saw a bit more ...

After that we sorted some irregular 2d shapes. 

We had to think carefully about where they would go, and we had to explain to Miss BB and Mrs Sait why we had put them in certain places.