Monday, September 29, 2014

iPad art, in the style of Hockney

We have been creating our own art work on the ipad, using the Brushes app. Did you know that David Hockney creates some of his work in exactly the same way? 

We looked carefully at Hockney's work and it helped us to add detail to our own.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Look at our incredible work on display! The photographs really don't do the art work justice. Please do drop in after school on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday to have a closer look!
Tree prints

Collaborative collage

Trees and observational drawings
Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

Friday, September 19, 2014

Collage creators

We have been working together to create a whole class collage. You will be able to see it on open day. We used lots of man made materials to create this. Some of us thought about about Andy Goldsworthy's art when they designed them. It took lots of concentration!

Clay leaves

We have been making impressions in clay using leaves. We had to find a leaf with protruding veins first of all. We will have to wait for them to dry out before they can go in the kiln.

Super concentration!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Natural art

Some of us have been weaving with natural materials this afternoon. 

Some of us were printing.

We made our own print blocks.

You will be able to see our fantastic work in our gallery very soon!

We are coding!

On Friday afternoon we were in the ICT suite. First we had to remember how to log on, then we had to find the Espresso icon. We had to practise lots of skills like double clicking to open a page and then making the screen larger by clicking on the little square. 

 We were learning how to program fish to make them move! We had to use our initiative a lot and look carefully at instructions on the screen.

Rosie made three move - that made her chuckle!

Caitlin thought it was good and helped Rosie too!

Luke managed to get to program some helicopters! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In the style of Andy Goldsworthy

Today we made art work in the style of Andy Goldsworthy using some man-made objects and some natural objects like shells and pulses from the kitchen!

You can see us hard at work and our art will be on display very soon.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Andy Goldsworthy

What an incredible afternoon we have had! First of all we looked at some of Andy Goldsworthy's art work. There were lots of oohs and aahs coming from the children. Then we added words about what the pictures made us think of. Isla thought one was like a volcano. Can you guess which one? 


After that, we went out and created our own Goldsworthy style art. What do you think? We took photographs on the ipads. You will be able to see them soon when you come in and visit.